Itelyum is a national leader in the management and recovery of industrial waste. In order to make secondary school students aware of the importance of the Green Deal and Agenda 2030, we launched the ‘Objective Sustainability Schools’ project in May 2021, carried out with the support of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the collaboration of WeSchool, the main Italian digital education player.
A series of meetings was organised to bring together young people, sustainability professionals and institutions. All the meetings were conceived and realised with innovative and engaging methods: a landing page; three lesson plans with gaming activities on circular economy, technological innovation and inclusion; three motion graphic design videos.
Students and teachers showed great interest in the project’s contents, also thanks to the innovative and stimulating approach. Objective Sustainability Schools was a great success, as confirmed by the 119,428 video views on the dedicated website, the 1,461 lesson downloads by teachers and the extensive coverage on social media.”